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        Fate is rather cruel, or so I’ve been told many a time. There are many stories of tragedy speaking of lovers ripped apart by fate, by time, illness and so many more cruel reasons. Though to put the blame all one person is kind of strange wouldn’t you think? Isn’t Fate just doing their job like you and everyone else? You blame the reaper for bringing death but you never shame them as much as you shame Fate. Never accepting the blame, never wondering why Fate may be as cruel as you see them?


        Well here, sit down, have some tea or whatever and I’ll tell you a story. Though you have probably heard it before, two lovers destined by fate but -cruelly- ripped apart by fate as well. The one with the celestial maiden and the demon, not the one where the stupid teenagers killed themselves, that was not my fault. I digress, back to the story at hand.


        It began in time long ago, when demons lived and fought amongst the humans and the humans struggled to claim the lands that did not belong to them. A feudal era Japan somewhere amongst the time lines (there are a lot it’s easy to get lost I promise you that). The snow was just beginning to cover the northern lands as the bright reds and oranges were slowly snuffed out for the chilly blues and freezing white. A time of rebirth for the land and the people who shuffled among it.


       There was a young barren couple, the lord and lady of the northern lands who had no heir. I remember the woman well, Lady Natsuko. Born of noble blood from the southern lands, married as a peace treaty, though I suppose they fell in love eventually, they were both handsome humans. Lady Natsuko though I suppose struck a chord with me as the humans would say, maybe it was the way she would come to the temple every day, snow or rain. Four years into the marriage, though happy with her husband, his family claimed her to be a useless woman, empty.


        Maybe it was the body I chose that evening that would explain my unusual behavior. The others never understood why I would mingle with them in such a way, they said it took away some of my dignity to take a human form. I thought it brought us closer with the ones who worshiped.

Fate's Tale

By: Kaitlyn Butterfield

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